All types of trees on show

ANGELS: Newland Uniting Church Minister Anne Turner puts an angel on a tree ahead of the Christmas tree festival. Photo: Dani Brown. 377043_01

The Newland-Port Elliot Uniting Church is hosting the annual Christmas Tree Festival for the first time this year.

Previously held by other local churches, this time it will be set up at Newland on Victoria Street in Victor Harbor from Thursday, December 14 to Sunday, December 17.

A handful of Christmas-themed events will also take place at the church over this period of time.

On the Thursday, the festival opens for the first time from 12pm to 4pm.

Then, that evening there will be Carols, Candles and Choir from 7pm, which is free for the public and sponsored by all the South Coast churches.

St Peter’s Cathedral senior and junior choirs will join the celebration and donations will be collected for Christian pastoral support workers in local schools.

On Friday, the Christmas tree festival is open from 10am to 8pm, while on Saturday, it is open from 10am to 5pm.

Also on Saturday is The Sounds of Christmas at Newland, a concert which kicks off at 7.30pm.

On Sunday, the final day of the festival, it is open from 12pm to 4pm, with the church service beforehand from 10am to 12pm.

For those who wish to enter a tree in the display, there are a variety of categories which can be entered, including Best Under 12 Tree for the children, Most Popular Tree, and Best Traditional Tree, which will win prizes.

For more information or to participate, email