Hindmarsh Valley CWA April Meeting

Jill Robertson was guest speaker at Hindmarsh Valley CWA's April meeting. 330573_01

Members of the Hindmarsh Valley branch of SACWA were delighted to welcome guest speaker,Jill Robertson to their April meeting.

Jill spoke enthusiastically about the research and subsequent publication of her book about Mr M – the founder of MacRobertson’s Chocolate Factory.

Macpherson Robertson is a rags-to-riches story, beginning with his birth in the goldfields of Ballarat in 1859.

As a youngster he did a multitude of odd jobs but found his forte when he obtained an apprenticeship in Melbourne in a confectionary factory.

He soon realised his passion lay in the production of chocolate, and started manufacturing his own range, initially in the bathroom of his parents house, at the age of 20.

In 1916 he refined his Old Gold Chocolate range in a huge six-story factory in Fitzroy.

This then led to the Cherry Ripe in 1924 and Freddo Frogs in the 1930’s.

Mr M, as he was known, was a great philanthropist who financed the Douglas Mawson expedition to Antarctica.

This was originally called MacRobertson’s Land.

He financed a boys school in Melbourne at the time of their centenary, followed later by a girls school.

He was knighted for his philanthropy and passed away in 1945.

His motto was “I’m Australian, for Australia.”

Afternoon tea included samples of MacRobertson’s chocolates for all to enjoy.