Shed goes up in flames at Port Elliot | PHOTOS, VIDEO
PORT ELLIOT – South coast Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) and Country Fire Service (CFS) crews attended a shed fire at about 7pm on Monday, November...
Final weeks for film fest entries
REGION – It’s only weeks before entries close for the 2017 Fleurieu Film Festival, and films with the theme ‘water’ are flowing in fast.Sealand Theatre has...
Croatian/Irish bone marrow donor urgently needed to save Middleton mum Tania Murphy
MIDDLETON – The south coast community is rallying behind a Middleton mum in urgent need of a bone marrow transplant, but without a matching...
Cyclist dies in Willunga crash
WILLUNGA – A 54-year-old cyclist has died after a crash at the intersection of Old Willunga Hill Road and Matthews Street at Willunga on Sunday,...
Sea wall protection
VICTOR HARBOR – The trial of concrete block walls installed to prevent dune erosion will continue at two high risk areas on the south coast....
Fishing limits scaled up
REGION – The introduction of a vehicle limit for Pipi and boat limit for Mulloway are just some of the changes to recreational fishing limits which...
Oaks Day 2016 in Victor Harbor and Port Elliot | PHOTOS
Fleurieu Peninsula south coast ladies dressed up for Oaks Day events on the south coast on Thursday, November 3.RELATED: Victor Harbor and Port Elliot celebrate the...
On the face of men’s health
ADVERTISING FEATUREMovember is all about caring for the man in your life, for his physical and mental health. The message from health professionals is...
Memories vivid to Ian
Ian Brock is a member of the Goolwa RSL and most importantly is a war veteran from World War II.At 10.45am, Ian will be...