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Water secure for McLaren Vale growers

McLaren Vale’s Irrigators Council has received a $2.5 million commitment from the Coalition to construct a 1200 megalitre dam for water storage – securing...

Art throughout the region

ARTISTS from right across the state will be exhibiting their work during August as part of the South Australian Living Artists (SALA) Festival, with...

German playgroup is alive and well

A German playgroup for bi-lingual families in the south has restarted after shutting down for a number of years to help children with German...

Education needs to grow

Signs of growing population in Aldinga has forced the state government to look at increasing the schooling capacity in the area, according to Member for Kaurna...

Stormy July hails healthy 2017 vintage

While most people sought shelter from the wild storms that battered the State in July, Serafino winemakers Charles Whish and Ben Maurice-Jones saw the...

Shouting the bar after win

A WILLUNGA man has taken home more than $1 million after a X-lotto 18-game QuickPick he purchased from the Alma Hotel came up with the...

74 Hindmarsh Road ticked

VICTOR HARBOR – Planning approvals granted by the City of Victor Harbor at 74 Hindmarsh Road have been cleared of any wrongdoing by the Ombudsman.The Ombudsman...

Money raised through film

WILLUNGA – Throughout the last four years, a total of $13,000 has been raised for charity through Cinemallunga, Willunga’s local cinema that does things a little...

Jack giving back

Willunga Football Club under 17 player Jack Burns has ventured to outback Northern Territory to help out the Ampilatawatja community.Jack got involved in the mission trip during...

A leisurely stroll around British coast

MOUNT COMPASS – Josh Hicks is a man on a mission: to walk around the British mainland coastline to raise money to support kids with cancer.Mr Hicks...

Willunga have fallen

With the conclusion of Round 9 over the weekend we have just three rounds left of the GSCA with three teams fighting it out...

Young talent Times