Work starts on new senior school
VICTOR HARBOR – Construction is underway at Victor Harbor’s Investigator College for a new two-storey senior school campus.Work started at the site on Monday, March 7. Deputy...
Marathon 400km paddle trip
Paddling across the open ocean and some well-known shark territory is no deterrent for two mates, a retired school teacher and a former park ranger, on a journey...
Get outdoors, explore
REGION – National Parks Week kicks off on Saturday, March 5, which gives people young and old the chance to celebrate our national parks.The week,...
Russia-bound Taplin to undergo MS treatment
VICTOR HARBOR – After living with multiple sclerosis (MS) for about 20 years, Victor Harbor man is heading to Moscow, Russia with the hope of returning...
Local school students lead by example
REGION – The south coast will clean up its act this week, as schools, businesses and the wider community take part in Clean Up Australia Day...
Councils receive federal funding
REGION – The federal government has revealed how much funding each council will receive this quarter through the Financial Assistance Grant program.Councils in the Mayo...
Horse tram woes
VICTOR HARBOR – The services of the Victor Harbor Information Centre, Whale Centre and Granite Island Horse Tram are under close scrutiny by council. A special...
Budget bumped for road works
REGION – The District Council of Yankalilla has increased its roads and drainage maintenance budget by more than $300,000 to maintain and improve problem areas.The...
Drunk driving chaos
A 21-year-old Goolwa woman driving the wrong way down the one-way Hill Street at Victor Harbor lost her licence for six months and had her...
Councillors banned from wearing Crocs, trackies
REGION – Elected members of the District Council of Yankalilla must now abide by a dress code.The idea for the Elected Member Dress Code Policy was...