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Scottish diaspora art on show

GOOLWA – On Friday, November 13, Signal Point resounded with the sound of bagpipes as the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry exhibition officially opened.Tour director Jenny Bruce said although some pieces have...

Issues aired in Victor region

The City of Victor Harbor gave its ratepayers the rare opportunity to sit eye to eye with elected members and council staff to ask any...

Focus on sea proposal

Caution was the key word at a meeting in Victor Harbor on the Oceanic Victor in-sea aquarium proposal for Granite Island.More than 60 people...

Schoolies reach Victor

The Fleurieu Peninsula will welcome an influx of senior school graduates when the annual Schoolies Festival is held this weekend.Official activities for the 2015 festival...

River backer’s award

CLAYTON BAY – Long-time water campaigner, the late Henry Jones, has been acknowledged for his hard work at a ceremony earlier this month.The Murray-Darling Wetlands...

Cyclist dies after collision with kangaroo

RELATED:  Serious crash between cyclist and kangarooRELATED:  Update: Cyclist, kangaroo crash in Victor HarborA 62-year-old cyclist who collided with a kangaroo in early November has...

Handpicked rocked

The Handpicked Festival returned for it’s second year at the award winning Lake Breeze winery on Saturday, November 14, with more than 3000 people attending. The...

Fleurieu locals prepare for pageants

Christmas spirit will roll through the Fleurieu Peninsula when the Victor Harbor and Goolwa pageants are held in December.The Victor Harbor and District Business Association Christmas...

Yundi bushfire contained

UPDATE: 2.45pm, November 19The threat posed by the fire burning near Yundi has reduced.Although the fire is still burning and smoke is present, it...

Handyman Bob reflects

If variety is the spice of life, then Bob Hall would surely have Colonel Sanders’ entire secret recipe by now.Bob has been a big...

Member for Finniss hits the road

Member for Finniss David Basham has been a busy politician catching with his communities from Clayton Bay to Chiton Rocks. Mr Basham had a...

Election heat is on
